Monday, September 30, 2019

Advantage And Disadvantage In City Life Essay

Big city is where you can see many vehicles,many skyscrapers, many people with a hurry pace of life. That place can fascinate us very much due to its light and luxury. Nowadays, more and more people want to live there because they see many advantages. Indeed, in a big city, people can have the best chances to work as well as can enjoy the best service and entertainment In a big city, people can take the chances to study and work best. There are many good University for u to choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you graduate, you also find it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult in small cities or countrysides; because there concentrates many big companies and groups. Hence, many graduate students choose big cities to live and work. In short, it is where you can take advantages f yourself. In addition, in a big city you can enjoy the best service and entertainment. Is this Essay helpful? Read more: Difference between village life and city life essay Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 325,000 just like it! get better grades Because there are many rich people here, they can invest much money to get the best for them. Lives in a big city are quite luxurius but you don’t have to be worried when you are sick or suffer a disease because there you can find good doctors for you, as long as you have much money. What’s more, in a big city you can enjoy new entertainment such as new games or luxury games. Many people can argue that living in a big city makes them tired with noise and dash. They like the slow pace of life in a countryside. But I think that you can live there for a long time because the young always like to enjoy new things and want to have much money, which is very difficult to do in a countryside. However, when you get older, especially when you retire, a countryside will the best choice to live. In summary, living in a big city has many advantages. However, you have to try your best to overcome all difficulties such as hard competition in workplace or polluted environment.

Solutions to Case the Harvard Management Company

The Harvard Management Company (2001) Case You will design an excel spreadsheet that allows you to answer the following questions: i) Given figures in Exhibits 4 and 11 what is the expected return and volatility of the policy portfolio? ii) Find an efficient portfolio having the same expected return as the policy portfolio but lower volatility. iii) Find an efficient portfolio having the same volatility as the policy portfolio but higher expected return. iv) Repeat question ii using the constraints in Exhibit 13. ) Repeat question iii using the constraints in Exhibit 13. vi) Consider the following seven asset classes: Domestic Equity, Foreign Equity, Emerging Markets, Private Equity, Commodities, Inflation-Indexed Bonds, and Cash. Using HMC’s input assumptions (see Exhibit 11, and also using the constraints shown on Page 22, Exhibit 12), what would be the allocation across these seven security classes if HMC was looking for optimal portfolios that would have expected real retu rns of 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8%.For each of these cases, also show the resulting standard deviation of the portfolio, and the Sharpe (efficiency) ratio (see footnote a in Exhibit 12). vii) Redo part (vi) but now constrain the minimum and maximum weights on the seven different asset classes using the constraints shown in Exhibit 13. It may not be possible to achieve some of the expected real returns you were getting earlier. If that is the case, use five expected real return levels that you can attain. iii) Compare the investment opportunities implied by part (vi) to those in part (vii). ix) Explain the pros of the mean variance paradigm. x) Explain the cons. I will describe how to perform portfolio optimization in class. Excel is equipped with an optimizer (Solver) that requires you to specify what you are trying to maximize or minimize, the variables (weights) that may be adjusted in order to maximize portfolio efficiency, and the constraints imposed on those variables.The Harvard Manage ment Company (2010) Case & Harvard Management Company Endowment Report (Sep 2009) xi) Policy portfolio reflects Harvard Management Company's asset allocation strategy. Compare Exhibit 4 of the 2001 case with that of the 2010 case: describe how the policy portfolio has changed before and after the 2008 financial crisis. xii) What do you think are the reasons for the Harvard Management Company to make the above adjustments in asset allocation choices?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Societys Perception About Weight

The topic of weight is very prevalent among people in today's society. Everywhere we look we find people of all sorts of different weights and appearances. Tall, small, thin, wide, fat and skinny are just a variety of the words we use to describe people. Almost no one is completely happy with their weight. We are constantly looking for ways to better ourselves and improve our physical appearance. It is this paper's purpose to provide information in helping a person feel comfortable with their weight and aid in determining an ideal body weight for you. Topics also include: society's view on weight, the dangers of various weight-related disorders and diseases, and methods of achieving a recommended healthy weight. The goal is that once you have the proper information you will be able to achieve this ideal weight safely and on your own, giving you an ultimate sense of satisfaction. The question that is constantly being asked is just what is the ideal healthy weight? The ideal body weight is different for every individual as healthy ideal weight depends on a person's sex, race, and genetics. To quickly simplify and determine an individual's ideal weight we use a simple chart called the Body Mass Index or BMI for short. This chart determines how much a person should weigh. People can calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in pounds by their height in inches squared and multiplying the resulting number by 704. 5 (Woods 98). A person who weighs 164 pounds and is 68 inches would do the following calculation: 164/4624 x 704. 5 = 25 BMI. A BMI between 18. 5-24. 9 is normal and is called the safe zone (Woods 98). The people in this recommended safe zone are considered to be in the best health. A BMI less than 18. 5 usually means that a person is underweight (Woods 98). Studies indicate that the underweight have an increased risk of death compared to those of normal weight. A BMI of over 30 means obesity, and obese people take a lot of health risks (Woods 98). People with obesity have an increased risk of: high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, the most common form of diabetes, gallbladder disease, arthritis, respiratory problems, and certain types of cancer. As long as you fall into or close to the recommended safe zone you should feel comfortable and happy with your weight the way it is. This paper will now discuss the dangers that society's infatuation with weight can have on a person. It will also provide methods on how a person can change to find a comfortable and healthy weight. Eating disorders are a common and very realistic part of our society. They are seen as the most dangerous health related risks involving weight. Dieting, binge-eating and food obsessions are prevalent among all weight groups. Many people strive to be lighter than their natural weights and exercise excessively and eat sparingly to attain an often-unrealistic weight goal. Societal pressures share blame for producing eating disorders. Some victims of eating disorders feel that others are pressuring them to be thin, making them feel guilty about what they eat (Washington 99). They become isolated from family and friends and turn to food as a release and source of comfort (Washington 99). People with eating disorders excessively exercise and are known to induce vomiting after eating or drinking (Washington 99). Eating disorders target many people in society. The main target group is females, especially in the traditionally masculine cultures. Society places a great deal of emphasis on the physical appearance of a person's body and this alone is enough to drive someone into an eating disorder. An example is the supermodel with the skin and bones look whom you see on television. With this in mind many women might look at their weight and find themselves socially unacceptable. The result can be an eating disorder. Another target group is athletes. For example, in the sport of gymnastics there is pressure on the female athlete to maintain a low weight and petite slim figure. Since gymnastics is judged on how an athlete looks in competition many gymnasts develop an eating disorder as a result of the importance of body image to the sport. Another example of the occurrence of eating disorders is in boxing and wrestling. Sometimes there is pressure on the athlete to have a rapid weight loss in order to compete in a lower weight class where he or she might have a better chance of winning. There are two main eating disorders that effect many people in society. They are anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is a deliberate and obsessive starvation in the pursuit of thinness. It is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, or the disturbance in the way one's bodyweight size and shape is perceived by another individual (Clark 96). Bulimia is described as recurrent episodes of binge eating and a lack of control over one's eating behaviour resulting in purging (Clark 96). Purging can be achieved by using laxatives and/or vomiting. Many of the symptoms of eating disorders are similar; however, each disorder is somewhat different. If someone is anorexic, symptoms might be: an extremely thin person, isolation, loneliness, obsessive preoccupation with food as regards: obtaining it, cooking, and eating, and compulsive exercise (Washington 99). If someone is bulimic, you might expect to see: the use of food as a comforter, laxative abuse, mood swings, constant concern about body image and weight, quick trips to the bathroom after meals, excessive exercise, some isolation, and low self-esteem (Washington 99). Both forms of eating disorders are dangerous to your health and can cause major problems, both now and in the future. Some immediate physical problems include constantly feeling cold, bloodshot eyes with dark circles, finger calluses, dizziness, weakness, moodiness, insomnia, swollen glands, sore throat, or dry skin (Washington 99). Some of the long-term effects include gastrointestinal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation, malnutrition, heart attack, permanent damage to internal organs, kidney failure, and death (Washington 99). Family and friends of people affected should be aware of the symptoms and risks associated with disordered eating patterns. It is imperative to avoid becoming a victim to an eating disorder. You will only end up hurting yourself and loved ones around you. Now that the dangers of weight have been discussed an effective method of weight gain and loss will be presented. This information will help you reach a desired ideal weight so you can be happy and take pride in yourself. The topic of weight management is prevalent in today's society and is discussed from two different perspectives. People might think that they are too small or weak and in this case they will want to put on more weight. On the other hand, others might think that they are too big. In this case they will try to reduce their weight. Requirements of caloric intake differ for everyone. These requirements are determined by age, sex, weight and activity level. The simple definition of weight is the balance between caloric intake and caloric expenditure (Berning 96). Your body weight will change when there is a difference between calories taken in and calories burned up. Taking this into account, for the average person to lose weight the caloric intake must be less than caloric expenditure. Put simply, to lose weight you must eat less, exercise more, or a combination of both. For the average person to lose one pound they would have to run about 35 miles or eat 3,500 fewer calories (Berning 96). This is impossible to do in one day. To put this into perspective the following formula is given: 3,500 calories 7 days per week = 500 calories per day. It can than be said that eating 500 calories less per day will result in a weight loss of one pound per week. The same can be said by combining 250 calories less per day and burning 250 calories in exercise. Weight loss is most successful when diet and exercise are combined. The safe weight loss recommendation for the average person is no more than 1-2 pounds per week (Berning 96). By using this method of losing weight a person will decrease their chance of health problems and achieve their ideal weight. This method of weight loss will leave you with a sense of satisfaction and pride in reaching your ideal weight. The same basic theory applies for weight gain. In order to gain weight you need to consume more calories than you expend (Berning 96). Family history plays a major role in the development of a body. For example, people from thin families are less likely to transform their bodies into bulky muscular ones. A person can increase his chance of gaining weight with improved nutrition and appropriate weight training. Muscle is gained through intense training and the consumption of additional calories. For each pound gained as muscle you would need to consume 500-1000 additional calories each day (Berning 96). The key to weight gain is consistency and with a little hard work the average person should be able to get to his/her desired ideal weight. By combining a high calorie diet and a rigid exercise program you will find that your body will produce weight in the form of muscle, making you healthy and giving you your desired physical body image. We all must act together and make it our priority to help change society's perception of body images. This can protect everyone by making others feel comfortable with their weight and prevent them from developing eating disorders. Education is essential. By studying our ideal weight in the BMI chart and keeping an eye on the amount of calories in our diet we can stay healthy and feel good about ourselves. This process is aided through complete reinforcement and support from our family and friends. It doesn't stop there as we all must refrain from prejudicial treatment of fat or thin people and see beyond their weight. It is only then that we can feel comfortable with our weight and develop satisfaction in knowing that we have obtained an ideal healthy lifestyle for ourselves.

Failure Analysis Change Strategy Essay

Team â€Å"A† reveals the circumstances regarding the failure analysis of an hotelier and how a CEO leads an organizational change processes to prevent an impending failure of the company. To counterbalance the hotelier business failure analysis, the team discusses the success analysis of Apple Inc. The team identifies each organization’s mission and vision statements with a behavioral theory explanation discussing the success and failure indicators. Research focuses on which specific organizational behavior theories could possibly explain the company’s failure or success, bureaucrat’s roles, and organizational structure and culture. Leading organizational change identifies the most vital areas for change, potential barriers in the changing process, addressing political and power issues, and steps implementing the organizational using the John Kotter’s 8-step plan. Business Failure Analysis Apple’s Mission statement Apple does not clearly define a mission statement. According to Farfan (2014), â€Å"Apple ends their press releases with a statement that resembles what a traditional mission states is expected to be†¦Apple commits to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings† (The Mission Statement, Global Vision, and Values of Apple, Inc.). Vision. Tim Cook, current CEO of Apple, does not have a simple vision for the company. During a 2009 interview, Cook mentions several values behind the company leading the vision Cook expects; â€Å"We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing, we are constantly focusing on innovating and we believe in the simple, not the complex† (Hull 2012, para. 5). Apple’s Success. Apple’s approach to success bases itself on a  redesign by t he former CEO in 1997, Steve Jobs. Jobs partners with several organizations such as Microsoft and CompUSA forming a strategic alliance with Apple products. According to Finkle and Mallin (2010), Steve Jobs states â€Å"the reason why his companies have become so successful is because they hire the very best people in the world to work for them; his business savvy, negotiation skills, and propensity to take risks enable him to transform technology into companies that flourish† (p. 38). Apple’s leadership style is a major contribution in the company’s success. Charismatic, inspiring, flexible, receptive and free spirit describe former CEO Steve Job’s; constantly challenging employees and influencing a team environment where individuals can voice ideas (Toma and Marinescu, 2013). Apple’s Successful Behavioral Theories. Two behavioral theories contributing to Apple’s success during Steve Jobs tenure are the top-down creative process and situational â€Å"Zen like† transformational leadership style Job’s runs the organization with. Eliminating layers of bureaucracy enables Apple to conf orm in a transitioning global market possessing pioneering the technology into new markets. Top-Down Management. During Steve Jobs tenure at Apple, the company incorporates a strong top-down creative process eliminating bureaucracy. This enables information to go directly to Jobs and then filters to sub-teams as specific assignments for completion (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p. 506). This process eliminates a top-heavy culture of management increasing product to market response time. â€Å"Organizational behavior theories mirror the subject matter with which they deal, and people are complex and complicated† (Yukl, 2013, p. 15). Situational Leadership. Jobs address the market with a leadership style conforming to market demands. Eliminating a traditional culture of managers within Apple enables Jobs to manage Apple directly and effectively on a global scale. The situational leadership style works for Job’s as the passion toward the company, consumers, and operations are thought of on a global scale. on a cross functional global scale enables the company to adapt to needs and demands o n a global scale. Apple’s Organizational Leadership. Apple’s role of leadership during the Steve Jobs era concentrates on simplification; taking responsibilities end to end; when behind, leapfrog; put products before profit; don’t be a slave to focus  groups; bend reality; impute; push before perfection; know both the big picture and the details; tolerate only â€Å"A† players; engage face to face; combine the humanities with the sciences; and stay hungry and foolish† (Isaccson, 2012). Management. Apple’s managers posses extensive knowledge about the services and products competitors are providing for the market. This ability enables the organization to formulate new ideas raising the bar for their competitors; Apple takes innovation to a new level. Managers and leadership both seek new ideas taking technology into completely new areas. This in conjunction with a completely lean management approach contributes to extraordinary productivity at Apple (Sullivan, 2011). Organizational Structure. Apple’s organizational structure is simple. â€Å"There are no committees at Apple, general management is frowned upon, and only one person, the chief financial officer, has a responsibility for costs and expenses that lead to profits and losses† (Lashinsky, 2011). Culture. The culture at Apple is very informal and demanding from employees. Rather than a work/life balance many organizations proudly emphasize, Apple makes it clear throughout the organization that it seeks committing, extremely hard-working individuals. An example here on the company website proudly states: â€Å"This isn’t your cushy corporate nine to fiver† (Apple, 2014). This reinforcement repeats itself throughout the website instilling a demand for a culture to share an obsession getting every last detail right. â€Å"Leave your neckties, bring your ideas† (Apple, 2014). Innkeepers USA Trust Objectives and Mission Since its bankruptcy and other acquisitions, Innkeepers USA Trust objectives and mission possess no clear definition. Innkeepers USA Trust was widely known as one of leading owners of extended-stay and upscale hotel properties across the United States. In reference to O a real estate investment trust (REIT), Innkeepers USA Trust owns interest in several hotels in many states. The organization’s focal point at one time is to acquire, develop, rebrand, and reposition hotel properties. This organization’s general purpose, prior to failing, is to acquire and develop real estate investments increasing shareholder profit. Behavior theory predicting Innkeepers, USA Failure The company’s failures are a result of cutbacks on both business and consumer levels. With decreasing travel, increasing fuel costs, rising energy expense, an abundance of new hotels entering the market, and over $1 billion in debt, Innkeepers USA was forced to file bankruptcy (McCarty & Kary, 2010). Preventing the failure of Innkeepers USA Let’s look at some of the vital areas needing change at Innkeepers USA. â€Å"As property values fall and business dry up during the recession, Innkeeper USA cannot meet financial obligations paying down loans (Aquino, 2011). The organization must restructure and work its way out of bankruptcy. Evolving technology, world cultures, and property employee support need attention in order for the company to be successful. Through the use of evolving technology, the company creates the Hilton performance Advantage system. This system includes a global online service for customers and property owners. Specific customer service sites address every company location throughout the world and staff with employees who are fluent in their native languages. A global e-commerce team and revenue management consolidation center allows property managers to seek guidance from staff specializing in specified sales management and revenue topics. These teams assist with research, strategies, and ma nagement needs for individual property owners. Barriers to Change Technology education is one of the largest challenges. The organization organizational strategies to grow the company back to a profitability and sustainability state. As a result of the recession, most organizations decrease and terminate employee travel to minimize expenses. As a result, opportunities for online growth increase reaching customers on a global scale. Cultural issues need attention. Employees fluent in many languages are made available to assist customers in these cultures improving customer care. Each individual property needs evaluations to assess the needs of the demographics; properties cannot be cookie cutter designs. Employee support services create a cultural balance in the company. Educational support is on line; anytime, anywhere a company employee can receive the guidance they seek without waiting. This results from the installation of newer technologies. Power and Political Issues As Innkeepers USA Trust struggles with decreasing room revenue, debt burdens, and liquidity constraints, the real estate investment trust finds itself with power and political issues. Two perspectives of power issues in this organization are the finite and infinite perspective of power. The finite perspective of power is the competitive spirit of an organization that spurs productivity and focuses on winning. Through its competition and power perspective, the organization will ultimately diminish returns; in which Innkeepers USA Trust finds itself in this power struggle by oversupplying new hotels while room revenues are stagnate. Understanding Innkeepers USA Trust power and political struggles, issues require the infinite perspective of power and expert power. An infinite perspective of power seeks to understand that winning or losing is not the main issue. The purpose of an infinite power is to sustain. To sustain Innkeepers USA Trust, Learning Team A suggests acorporate strategy a pproach basing this on skill and knowledge. An example is Apple’s previous CEO, Steve Jobs. Job’s possess expert power. Job’s first hand involvement with many of Apple’s innovations creates a dependency the company relies on propelling innovation. According to Robbins & Judge (2013), expert power is one of the most effective bases of power to influence a company and is positively related to employee’s satisfaction (p. 416). Implementing Change To successfully implement change within Innkeepers USA Trust, Learning Team A suggests following Dr. John Kotter’s eight-step process. According to Kotter’s process, a majority of organizations fail because they do not take a holistic approach that is required to see the change (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p.586). The team will establish a sense of urgency creating a compelling reason as to the change, form a powerful coalition leading change, create a new vision to direct change, plan for, create, and reward short term wins that move the organization toward the new vision, reinforce the change by demonstrating the relationships between new behaviors and organizational success (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p.586). Conclusion In conclusion, there are many factors in consideration when developing and maintaining a successful organization. It’s important to develop a strategy to meet organizational goals. Looking at the success and failures of existing organizations is an invaluable strategy in developing and maintaining organizational victory. Team â€Å"A† reveals the circumstances regarding the failure analysis of an hotelier and how a CEO leads an organizational change processes to prevent an impending failure of the company, which specific organizational behavior theories could possibly explain the company’s failure or success, and the organizational change identifying the most vital areas for change with recommendations from John Kotter’s 8-step plan. References Aquino, J. (2011).15 Companies that died in the past year: Business Insider, Retrieved June 24, 2014, from Farfan, B. (2014). Apple Inc. mission statement is not very innovative and barely a mission at all. Retrieved from–Mission-Statement.htm Finkle, T. A., & Mallin, M. L. (2010). Steve Jobss and Apple Inc. Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 16(7), 31-40. Hull, P. (2012). Be visionary. Think big. Retrieved from Issacson. W. (2012). The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobss. Retrieved from: Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobss – Harvard Business Review Lashinsky. A. (2011). How Apple Works: Inside the world’s biggest startup. Retrieved from: Apple works: Inside the world’s biggest startup McCarty. D. & Kary. T. (2010). Apollo Investment’s Inkeepers USA Trust Files for Bankruptcy in New York. Retrieved June 29, 2014 from: Robbins, S. R. & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Sullivan. J. (2011). Talent Management Lessons from Apple: A Case Study of the world’s most valuable firm. Retrieved from: Toma, S., Ph D., & Marinescu, P., Ph D. (2013). Steve Jobss and modern leadership. Manager, (17), 260-269. Retrieved from Worlds most admired companies. (2011). Retrieved from Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson /Prentice Hall. Retrieved from: (LDR/531)/ context / cdg/ view/activityDetails/activity/270c6ef7-2f01-4c47-8c71-5ba7a9d19509/ expanded/False

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Did Napoleon Become Emperor

How did Napoleon become Emperor ‘I was born when Corsica was perishing, 30 000 French men spewed into our shore drowning the throne of liberty in waves of blood’ wrote Napoleon when the French army conquered his home country state of Corsica. Soon after his parents agreed that the impoverished island could give nothing more to their eight children, but only one country could, the one that Napoleon abhorred, France. Carlo, Napoleons father, accepted the overtaking of Corsica and began studying law soon after became a representative of the Corsican Parliament.When moved to France, Napoleon at the age of nine was sent to the Royal Military College, where he was to study military strategy for five years. Then at the age of fifteen, he was promoted to the Royal Military Academy in Paris, a highly respected college in France. A year later he starts as a soldier in France’s best artillery squad, but feels unaccomplished because the highest ranks are given to the families of high nobility.But, the French Revolution’s timing opens possibilities to Napoleon that he tough could never of happen, â€Å"to be 20 years old in1789, is very important, Napoleon’s destiny and the destiny of the whole country, become the same. † says Antoine de Baecque. As an artillery Captain at the age of 24, Napoleon was sent to Toulon, where his victory against the British overtaking of the city was an enormous opportunity fro Napoleon the prove himself and rapidly be promoted through the ranks of the French military where there was a vacuum for control cause by the fleeing emigre.Finally Napoleon was promoted. At home the Terror is still going, Napoleon sides with Robespierre’s view that liberty can no survive in France, if the heads of criminals do not roll. â€Å"(Napoleon) hated the terror but he hated chaos even more†, he believed that it was necessary to suspended liberties in the name of liberty. After Robspierre’s death, the Thermidorian assault obligated the government to call on Napoleon, because he was one of the only qualified military leaders still in France, to restore peace in Vendemiaire. We killed a great many of them, now all is quite, I could no be happier† wrote Napoleon to his brother. Finally he was a full general at the age of twenty-six. In less then ten years time he would be emperor of France. Tough his military achievements were key to his popularity and to his visions, luck, propaganda, and social manipulations also played a major role in his path to the top. ‘Great men become great because they have been able to master luck’ said Napoleon, but luck was also to be replaced by genius.In Italy he won multiple battle and obtained the support of the locals in stating that he was freeing them from tyranny and has no problem with the people of Italy only its despots. At this point in time Napoleon won battles after battles and gained moral and economic growth through th e spoils of war. But most importantly he sends back propaganda exalting him through his own newspaper, portraits and also art. Napoleon understood that victories were not enough to gain popular popularity so he focused strongly on sending back powerful and extravagant art of him and his victories.The Italian people were getting weary of Napoleons presence since he was still continuously demanding and sending back gold and silver. Moving from Italy to Austria, the Austrians asked to make peace, fearing Napoleons fast pace and unbeatable army, and Napoleon followed the peace agreement personally, enraged form the decline of the Austrian government he shouted ‘this is what will happen to your empire, your empire is like a maid accustomed to being raped by anyone’ simultaneously breaking a porcelain tea set. Finally the Austrians gave in and Napoleon achieved what he wanted.Through this achievement Napoleon saw that his military intelligence was not only limited to battle b ut to politics. Waiting to go back to France at the right time as an esteemed pioneer and general, Napoleon head to Egypt. There the British fleet sunk Napoleons naval army, the only communication he had back to France. During this dead lock, Napoleon matured and realized he was no invincible. During this time he lead an exposition to decipher the Egyptian past which was a mystery to France. But, back in France his goddess of wife bought a new house and was cheating on Napoleon.His brother sent him a letter telling him this and Napoleon responded by adopting his own Cleopatra. Soon after Turkey declared war on Napoleon. Napoleon after the close victory and thousands of injured and sick men, was too full of pride to admit he was not as victorious as he sent back to France. Adding to his fame and propagandist profession Napoleon was able manipulate words and acts to his favor. Abandoning his army in Egypt Napoleon sets sail fro France to seize the opportunity of his life time, to come home as a hero respected and wanted in the unstable mother land.A coupe was on the rise and Napoleon wanted to be a supporter of this, he believed this was to be an easy transition, but the two classes of the directory had to renew their oath taking hours to complete and Napoleon became impatient and barged in to the meeting place, there he was hated for since it is strictly illegal for outside people to intervene in parliamentary affairs. Shaken Napoleon stuttered over the opportunity of power and Lucien his brother saw this and unsheathed his sword and stated ‘if my brother had any intentions of becoming dictator I’d run him through. Finally the legislators fled and all was over, but later that evening Lucien and his consuls voted that three consuls were to be sworn in, making it legitimate. One of which was Napoleon. Soon Napoleon rewrote the constitution and became head consul, making him the most powerful men in France. Major achievements of Napoleon before he bec ame emperor are: he established a new economy, replacing he currency with the Franc, establishing the Bank of France, generalizing and standardizing tax collections, and passing indirect taxation to make France richer.Passed the Concordat, allowing him to control the church in directly through him controlling the priest’s paycheck, owning the church land and integrating Church and State. Establishing his Civil Code which is still France’s basis for government today. Also between 1801-1803 he used military funds to locally improve France through creating jobs for the unemployed and improving the esthetic and moral look of France creating a ‘feel good’ era for France. In total Napoleon is a military genius, foreign policies diplomat, socially accepted and wanted as ruler, reversed the economic path of France and its debt, all before he became emperor.France was content with the position it was in more power no less power given to Napoleon, but royalist were not happy with the path France was on. On a confused plot the assassinate Napoleon the royalist failed to eradicate the main column supporting France at this time. Through this attempted people were set on the idea of crowning Napoleon their emperor to reduce the possibilities of assassination plots. The pope of Rome was invited to the crowning but did not crown Napoleon, he was there only to legitimatize and justify the crowning. In Notre Dame de Paris Napoleon crowned himself on December 2 1804.

Exam Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exam Question - Coursework Example However, the complexities of the case arose with the inability to tamper with the provisions over a private contract specifically because consumer rights are private and not linked to state regulations. The legal relations for consumer protection were then one of the main considerations with the case. The proceedings that were created from the main debates were based on consumer rights that could follow under the law. The first proceeding stated that a credit agreement should not affect the rights of the consumer against the purchase of services or goods. The consumer enters an agreement with the contractor, specifically with the understanding that the services or goods will be supplied. This makes it a legal obligation for the supplier to carry forward with all contractual agreements, specifically which is made under the assumption of the agreement through a pre-existing agreement. The right to pursue credit or to be granted a difference in the contract occurs only in the instance w hen the consumer is not satisfied with the services delivered or when there is a failure to meet the demands through the services and products that are expected through the pre-agreement of a given contract. However, it was noted that the consumer may pursue the justification of lack of fulfilment of a contract. This does not entitle the legal proceedings to match this, specifically which is created according to the direct effect that this has on the consumer. The conditions and the remedies then have to be looked into with the contractual agreement and potential breach of contracts that are created. The case that was created not only referred to the consumer protection and the need to fulfil contracts for consumer protection. The court also found that the Treaty of the EU, Article 3s, 129a, created different levels of contribution to consumer rights. The community was responsible only for contributing to consumer protection, specifically with political and legal integration through the internal market. The duty of consumer protection created an effect where consumers had the right to have the fulfilment of products and services within the internal market. The horizontal direct effect then had a direct bearing on the consumer protection, specifically with the need to create and define consumer protection and credit. b. The legal issue that was associated with the case was based on the need to have consumer protection. Private entities are regarded as having freedom of offering services and products while having the right to refuse service or to terminate contracts with consumers. There is also the ability to allow the service or product providers to refuse fulfilment of consumer credit under given circumstances. The question which arose was based on how much consumer protection should be granted if there is a contract that is unfulfilled by those who are offering product or services. The level of interference from a political and legal entity was questioned, s pecifically with how much this could move into consumer rights and protection among those that were looking at the private contracts that were expected to be fulfilled. The rulings of the case were based on the horizontal direct effect. The effect was one which stated that the services or products provided with a contractual agreement were required to be fulfilled. If the services or products harmed or affected the consumer, then it was considered an illegal breach

Friday, September 27, 2019

Aviation Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aviation Information Technology - Essay Example Regional airlines cover only certain destinations in a specific region and do not have international flights. They are relatively smaller than national airlines and generate an income of between $20 million to $100 million in a year. This class is the fastest growing category since it covers most destinations that major airlines may choose to ignore and also offers the convenience as they do not have to stop at hubs for layovers. Low-cost carriers are those airlines that offer lower fares and fewer comforts as well. Since the fare tickets are relatively cheaper, the airlines may charge for extra services in the planes to make up for the revenue lost through decreased fares. Services such as seat allocating, baggage and food may be charged separately. Non-EU airlines are those that are not registered in the European Union, but still operate in their airports. Airlines play different roles in various industries. The travel and tourism industry is the highest recipient of airline services since they work very closely together. The travel and tourism industry depends on the air travel to provide services to their customers. Airlines are responsible for the provision of mass and fast transportation of passengers between countries while ensuring standardized, safe and economic conditions are observed. Airlines also play an imperative role in driving the global economy. This is because of the greatly reduced time of travel which enables businesses to operate in a fast and more convenient way without wasting time waiting for raw materials or delivering goods to consumers. Presently, airlines are one of the most frequent users of the internet in their daily operations. Ticket sales makeup the largest portion of all online sales. Airlines were among the earliest practitioners of e-commerce and have benefitted the most from the adoption of e-commerce as compared to other industries (Yang 2001:1), with revenues increasing and costs reducing dramatically.

Policy Issues in the Criminal Justice System Essay

Policy Issues in the Criminal Justice System - Essay Example Indeed, never before in history has the controversial practice appeared to be under such a threat. These people consider the death penalty to be a form of cruel and unusual punishment. They argue that it is a part of a barbaric ancient world and as such it no longer has any place in our contemporary world. This is a popular opinion. But upon critical consideration, the idea that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment does not stand up to scrutiny. Just because something had been used for many millennium does not mean it is barbaric or obsolete. People in the past knew a great deal about human nature; Michelangelo, for example, painted the Sistine Chapel. He was not a barbarian. The truth is we need to look at the death penalty in the contemporary world and examine its effectiveness. We need to look closely to see if it is cruel and unusual punishment or if it is an effective and responsible way to punish murderers and allow society to act as it feels is necessary in the fa ce of certain heinous crimes. Society needs to be able to make a statement about the worst crimes. One of the few developed countries to still use the death penalty is America. In America today capital punishment is legal in around thirty-seven states. It enjoys substantial popular support (Clark County). Most Americans do not believe it is cruel and unusual punishment. They believe it is an appropriate form of censure. ... If it is cruel—and that is an open question—it is plainly in response to the cruelty of the acts committed by those who have received the death penalty. The truth is that there is a strong argument that the death penalty is a deterrent to those who seek or plan to commit heinous crimes—this would therefore justify those who suggest the death penalty is beyond the pale. The death penalty prevents people from committing crimes. No one criminal wants to end up subject to capital punishment and on death row. That is only part of the argument in favour of capital punishment however; more than that, the death penalty is the ultimate sanction that society can take against those who commit the most serious crimes. As a whole society needs a mechanism through which to express their extreme displeasure at acts of extreme violence. This simply make sense. Many scholars also believe it works effectively as a deterrent (Mappes, 98). Those who study criminology and who take a serious interest in this question, often agree that the death penalty has that kind of impact. The statistics, however, may not be so clearly demonstrative. The reason why statistics are so open to misuse and manipulation by death penalty opponents is the fact that many murders committed by murderers are not actually first degree and do not involve a lot of premeditation. They often occur on the spur of the moment or by negligence. For these sorts of crimes, death penalty is not much of a deterrence—and this fact will be reflected in the statistics used by opponents. In fact, it is difficult to think there is much of a correlation between crime rates and capital punishment to begin with. Homicide is but a very small portion of crime

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Classification of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classification of Accounting - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the first category of accounting is financial accounting. The main purpose of this type of accounting is to get an insight into financial matters using financial statements. It involves some core activities related to financial information, which are recording, reordering, and summarizing of the events that have occurred within in a given period. The second category of accounting is cost accounting. Cost accounting deals with analysis of different types of business costs using formulas, approaches, and processes. Cost accounting helps managers identify business costs, as well as expenses required to run business processes using current strategy. Some of the main approaches to do cost accounting include lean accounting, throughput accounting, and activity-based costing.This study highlights that the third category of accounting is management accounting. It deals with the management of the results from both other types of accounting. It is mainly concer ned with the use of financial statements and cost analysis in taking business decisions. Some examples of financial information that managers use in management accounting include current ration, net profit, and equipment depreciation. The three types of accounting include financial accounting, cost accounting, and management accounting. Financial accounting deals with the preparation of financial statements. Cost accounting deals with the analysis of business costs using a suitable cost accounting approach. Management accounting is mainly concerned with the use of financial and non-financial information in taking business decisions.

Launching a New Product A variant of Red Bull Waking a new market Essay

Launching a New Product A variant of Red Bull Waking a new market - Essay Example Typical time lines for launch: Pre-launch activities: Month 0 - 3 Product completion By Month 3 at latest Launch planning Month 4 - 6 Launch Month 7 -10 Sometimes a company actively markets the right product or service to the right people in the right media. But the marketing effort flops - all because of poor timing. To get the most mileage from the marketing efforts, you must be keenly aware of the right and wrong times to get the word out. To gain a bit of insight, consider the following: To launch a product on a limited budget, the best bet is to market when the competitors have eased up so that the product can gain the largest share of target audience attention with the smallest investment. That may mean marketing during what are typically slow months in your industry. But because this is when one can attract the most attention the fastest, it's worth it. The product should be launched around Christmas when the people have the time to go shopping and watch television along with family. This way the product would get maximum attention. Word of mouth would also work for it as the people who have seen the prelaunch activities might discuss with friends and relatives over dinner. Also this is the time when health and family welfare are highest on the consumer's agenda . Estimated Budget Budget For Energy Drink Price per Unit 85p Variable Cost 10p Gross Contribution( PPU-VC) 75p Sales Volume(Estimated Units) 10,00,000 Sales Revenue 85,000,000 Gross Contribution Margin(GC*SV) 75,000,000 Over Heads 20,000,000 Net Contribution(GCM-OH) 55,000,000 Advertising and Promotions 10,000,000 Sales Force and Distribution 8,000,000 Net Operating Profit(NC- Adv-Sales force distribution) 37,000,000 After the product concept is...Plan to distribute the releases two to three weeks before the product's launch day. Sometimes a company actively markets the right product or service to the right people in the right media. But the marketing effort flops - all because of poor timing. To get the most mileage from the marketing efforts, you must be keenly aware of the right and wrong times to get the word out. To gain a bit of insight, consider the following: To launch a product on a limited budget, the best bet is to market when the competitors have eased up so that the product can gain the largest share of target audience attention with the smallest investment. That may mean marketing during what are typically slow months in your industry. But because this is when one can attract the most attention the fastest, it's worth it. The product should be launched around Christmas when the people have the time to go shopping and watch television along with family. This way the product would get maximum attention. Word of mouth would also work for it as the people who have seen the prelaunch activities might discuss with friends and relatives over dinner. Also this is the time when health and family welfare are highest on the consumer's agenda . After the product concept is prepared , in order to evaluate business proposal attractiveness , one needs to prepare sales

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company - Dissertation Example The goals of the company also involve meeting individual needs of consumers in regards to the demands for energy services. The company has already taken promising actions towards the fulfillments of this particular mission by designing efficient energy management solutions for the end users and the customers Apart from that, the Oklahoma Gas And Electric Company is also focused towards the balancing of increase in load and in an effort to achieve this mission, the company is focusing its attention towards the maintenance of the existing infrastructures while replacing worn out ones. The company is keenly dedicated towards compliance with regulatory as well as legislative and regulative relationships. Through the accomplishments of the missions which are designed for the short term, the company is actively looking forward towards the achieving of its long term vision. The vision of the company is to actively defer the accusation plans for new plants that are focused towards the extrac tion of fossil fuel till the year of 2020 (Oklahoma, 2011). Market Demands The market demand for a sector is evaluated on the basis of the demand supply scenario, industry competitiveness, the economic factors as well as the level of elasticity. The US Energy Information Association has predicted that due to fall in energy prices, there will be a significant fall in energy retail prices. The association has projected that the average amount of crude oil production will be around 6.3 million barrels per day (US EIA, 2012). The Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company have been in the forefront of facing competition from various forms of government as well as municipal entities which own electrical systems due to the implication arising from the Oklahoma law concerning electricity distribution. The company also stands to face competition from electric cooperatives from rural regions as well as various private entities such as utilities, power marketers and cogenerators. The legislation and r egulatory based initiatives and decisions implemented by the state as well as the federal agencies have significant level of impact on the costs of doing businesses in this particular market. The impact of these government based frameworks has a dominant effect on the rate structures, besides having a significant impact on the competition in this particular market. The company faces significant level of competition from some major companies like NiSource Inc, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company, Wisconsin Energy Corporation and Pepco Holdings Inc. The output from the industrial sector has grown quite slowly as compared to the other sectors thereby reducing the consumption coming from this sector. This can be attributed to low demand due to the economic crisis in various countries. Business Strategy Options The largest energy company in the Oklahoma belt has several

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Artist Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Artist Reading Summary - Essay Example Born of an Irish mother and a full-blood Indian crow native father, she tries to depict, through her artwork, the combinations of those two different yet very important aspects of her cultural life. Before the passage of the two Acts, Western intrusion on perspective, history and ways of Amerindian were depicted wrongly. Many of them, through artistic approach, inaccurately drew the native culture and history as was knowledgeable to them. Linda explains how tradition methods of collecting and producing native art practices by Westerners altered the outlook. Linda Smith says the manner in which the colonialist perceived and presented knowledge about natives and their aspects of life is misleading (Smith 1). Janet Berlo observes in Early years of Native America History states that the history of Indian American art history in terms of shifting truths, falsehood, appropriations, scholarly formulations and historical moments-of different conjunctures of different historical moments (Berlo 13). In her artwork, Star shows the paradigms of Indian culture through the eyes of an original Amerindian. She displays the different outlook of her culture and how it has merged with modern society, something that previous artwork did not show. While elaborating the dynamics that shifted and led to native artist trying to be the originators of Indian works, Caro shows how Luna and Durham have tried to contribute to the understanding of the truth. Luna and Durham explain their cultures and correct collective knowledge presented of Amerindian history through art. Wendy Star tries to explain her culture when she depicts herself as a traditional crow woman. Her self-depiction may be seen clearly in the Indian attire she adorns. She represents the history of her culture by the human skeletons, adorning Indian traditional headdress at the table with her. Together, they illustrate the truthfulness of her culture as an Indian. Caro, in

Plasmid mapping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Plasmid mapping - Essay Example This DNA is now called as recombinant DNA. These vectors replicate inside the host cell along with the inserted DNA. These vectors are of two types: expression vectors (expression of the cloned gene to give the desired protein) and cloning vectors (produce millions of copies of cloned DNA). (Sambrook and Russell 2001). Restriction endonucleases are the enzymes that cut the DNA at the specific sequences. There are about 200 different restriction enzymes. (Brown 1995). The most common restriction endonucleases are EcoR1, BamH 1 and Pst1. All these restriction enzymes have sticky ends. The recognition sites for these restriction enzymes are as follows: EcoRI recognition site = G|AATTC Bam H1 recognition site = G|GATCC C TTAA |G C C T A GIG and Pst 1 recognition site = CTGCAIG GIACGTC (Siwach and Singh 2007). The pieces of DNA that remain after the digestion with the restriction enzymes are called as restriction fragments. Each restriction enzyme has a unique code and it cuts the DNA int o fragments with either sticky or blunt ends. A restriction map gives us the location where the restriction enzyme cuts the DNA. This restriction digestion is used for two purposes: Restriction mapping and specific DNA cleavage for the production of new constructs. The restriction mapping is used to identify the plasmids. The number of DNA fragments and the size of the DNA fragments depend upon the action of the restriction enzyme. These DNA fragments thus obtained are separated using the Agarose gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis is the most powerful technique for separating the biomolecules. The DNA are negatively charged particles that are attracted towards the opposite charge under the influence of electric field. Here the agarose gel is the solid matrix. The solid matrix controls the rate of migration of the molecules based on the size of the particles and the concentration of the gel. The buffer is a mixture of organic and inorganic salts that helps to conduct the electr ic current between the positive and negative terminals. To visualize the DNA bands present in the gel, stains such as methylene blue and ethidium bromide are used. In our experiment we use ethidium bromide that fluorescence’s under the UV light. Ethidium bromide intercalates between the base pairs of DNA and fluorescence when exposed to the light of 250 – 300 nm. (Sambrook and Russell 2001). Materials and method: The materials are the same as mentioned in the practical handbook. Restriction mapping consists of three important steps. They are restriction enzyme digestion, agarose gel preparation and sample loading. 1) Restriction Enzyme digestion: The unknown plasmid sample is taken and they are digested using the restriction enzyme. The standard concentration of the plasmid DNA is 1 ?g/ 5 ?l. In order to standardize the plasmid and to enhance the enzyme reaction, 2 ?l of enzyme buffer is added to the digest. 1 ?l of the enzyme is added to the sample. The volume of the digest is made upto 20 ?l using the sterile water. The composition of the digest is as follows: For this Restriction digestion, BameH1,Pst1 and EcoR1 restriction enzymes were used. The final volume of each restriction digest was 20 microlitres. ? Hind3 (Marker)-Distance moved in the gel mm Plasmid DNA Enzyme 10Xenzyme buffer Sterile water Total EcoR1 5Â µl 1Â µl 2Â µl 12Â µl 20Â µl Pst1 5Â µl 1Â µl 2

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Robotics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Robotics - Essay Example Use of robotics saves time to many people in the economy. This is because of their fast speed in performing tasks. An ordinary man is not likely to embrace time consuming processes and will look for means to avoid this. Taking an example of banking services, most people do not like going to queue to withdraw money over the counter. The invention of automatic teller machines (ATMs) has therefore, stepped in to solve this and I am sure many people like it. Today people can withdraw money using ATM cards any time anywhere they want. Considering the fact that we cannot get rid robots in the economy, it is necessary that the society invent ways to control the transition to the economy of robots. In that case according to Henderson, H. (2006), there is need for a maximum economic stability to curb any potential economic downturn following the displacement of workers by robots. It will be best if there is confidence of consumers in the economy to avoid people keeping their money in fear of spending it when they are rendered jobless. Creation of a good pool of innovators enables the society to manage the transition to robotic economy. This stirs up new business, and product innovations, inventions among others. This then ensures that capitalism in the economy is at is strongest point. Therefore, transition to robotic economy will not pose challenges to the society at any level. It is clear that robotic economy will come with many changes. It is best then the society is able to manage the negative changes that are likely to come with the robotic economy. The society needs to ensure that people who work in the low-paying sector of the economy get their wages raised to a relatively higher level. In that case, those rendered unemployed by robots and decide to take up low-paying jobs are able to maintain a relatively better standard of living (Henderson, 2006). This also can be justified by the fact that robotic economy is cost-effective.

Restructuring in Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Restructuring in Airline Industry - Essay Example The cause of this crisis was the increase in the fuel prices as in the worse economic fiasco faced by many nations across the globe. This led to the falling down in demand of fuel in USA and Britain. Breaking out of Gulf War saw many airlines shutting their business down, among these were the Eastern Airlines -US, British airline Air Europe, Pan American and a few smaller airlines like Midway-US and TEA in Belgium. The end of Gulf War was not any better for any of these airlines. From the world's top-20 airlines only British Airways, Cathay, SIA (Singapore Airlines) and Swissair made a net surplus in each of the three years 1991-1993. The worst hit was the North-American airlines; on the contrary many Asian airlines functioned beneficially. Many airlines needed huge capitals to survive in those years among them was Air France. The member states of the European Union received US $ 10.4 billion in 'state aid' in the year 1995. This was government support offered following authorization by the European Commission. In 1997, Alitalia was given $ 1.7 billion of state aid. Several Airlines received government funds about $ 1.3 billion that were not classified as state support. Subsequently, in 1994 and the years to follow, with financial prudence a number of airlines returned to stipulate development and gain profits. Generally, this was the time when a boom occurred in the airline business. In addition, 1998 was the most lucrative year ever. (Doganis, 2001) Airlines suffered a setback right after 9/11. A year following the assault on WTC, 54% of airline employees in NY district who were removed remained jobless. By and large, joblessness in the New York state remains towering, at 7.4 percent, and current statistics illustrate that more or less 40 percent of those laid off subsequent to 9/11 are still jobless. Even though billions of dollars in centralized support have been billed to help the airlines affected by the rebellious assault, removed airline employees have by and large been unsuccessful to profit up to now from this aid. Apparently, not just US but many other countries suffered in the aftermath of 9/11's events. There was an abrupt, close to total disruption of air traffic in the United States on 9/11, which persisted for quite a few days after that. On the other hand, Clark (Sept. 25, 2001) found that even though some businesses proposed to use video-conferencing and automobiles to replace for air travel, largely companies hadn't suspended business travel by air. Airline industry possibly has attained soaring rates of development, but this has not been convoyed by soaring rates of productivity, relatively contradicting. The Airline industry profits have been relatively less as compared to some other businesses, and in recent years there have been extreme losses too. It is alongside this setting that the industry is experiencing several fundamental 'restructuring'. The better part of the post-war period the industry was subjugated by the nationalized airlines, known as 'flag carriers', and the regimes that possessed them frequently financed and used them as devices to further their

Monday, September 23, 2019


WHICH METHOD (MRI OR DIAGNOSTIC MAMMOGRAPHY) IS MORE SENSITIVE AT DECTECTING BREAST CANCER IN WOMEN UNDER THE AGE OF 50 - RESEARCH PROPOSAL - Essay Example Medical experts impute the decline in breast cancer deaths to earlier detection and more efficient treatments. Breast cancer is dangerous because of its early latent character and long asymptomatic stage. Treatment can be much more effective if detected in the early stages. The benefits of early detection are capable of offsetting the anticipated risks and costs involved. This research project is therefore proposed to examine the relative sensitivity and cost effectiveness of two methods of detecting breast cancer. The methods examined are Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Digital Mammography. The study is confined to women under the age of fifty due to the particular issues faced by patients in this age group. Breast cancer is a common form of cancer, accounting for a high rate of mortality among women, next only to lung cancer (Taft & Taylor, 2001). The incidence of breast cancer is on the rise all over the world, posing a significant risk for women. One out of eight women in the developing world is estimated to develop breast cancer at some stage of their lives. Among the various factors identified as responsible for the incidence of breast cancer, genetics, environmental and lifestyle risk factors are considered significant ones (Nkondjock, & Ghadirian, 2005). Mortality caused by breast cancer is especially high among women between the ages of forty and forty-nine. Even apart from the mortality rates, the emotional and psychological impact of the condition is severe. Fear of the disease and the nature of treatment to be undertaken add to the negative impact (Breast Cancer Screening For Women Ages 40-49 – NIH Consensus Statement. Medscape General Medicine. 1999) Early, accurate detection leading to effective and less drastic treatment methods can significantly reduce the trauma associated with breast cancer, resulting in better prognosis and

Global War on Terrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Global War on Terrorism - Assignment Example The author of the paper states that the war on terrorism officially started after the 9/11 attacks on the US soil although earlier attacks on US embassies in Kenya, Tanzania and the attempted bombing of the Los Angeles international airport were alarming. The then president, George Bush took the initiative and claimed to fight the war on terrorism on behalf of the whole world. Following the invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and then targetting Iraq in 2003, NATO forces have been involved in all operations as the attacks of 9/11 were considered an attack on all the 19 member countries of NATO. A very active participant of this war has been Pakistan which has been supporting the US on the matter and fighting against terrorists by allowing US forces along with their own army to carry operations in parts of Waziristan(northern Pakistani territory). Due to this war countries have the highest budget allocated to defense. This is all the taxpayer money we are talking about, which is you, me and us. Do we want to allocate our resources on just fighting terrorists in a war which never seems to end? Do we want to see innocent people being killed like in the case of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan? Do we want this amount of destruction, chaos, and insecurity? Of course, the answer to all of those questions would be no. I refuse to agree with the idea of the global war on terrorism. This war has been a total failure increasing the number of killings, the use of weaponry globally and the doubt in the minds of people if they are being ruled by cruel, self-centered and power hungry leaders.W hat seems to be the idea of the general masses is that the war on terrorism is being used to achieve Uthe S driven goals as it keeps on attacking and killing more and more without eliminating the Taliban forces.T his war has been so much hyped about by the media that it has become part of the headlines of every news channel in the world. The US has gone so far to fight the war that it has created a torture facility in Cuba with the name of 'Guantanamo Bay' which initially held the prisoners of war from Afghanistan and Iraq.  Prisoners are subject to the highest degree of torture from physical remand like electric shocks to psychological abuse, including religious insults such as the Quran being kicked on the ground.M ost of the prisoners kept in this place have been proven innocent but their lives shackled. The war shows the US interest in the oil-rich countries to obtain unhindered sources of oil.T his war is the war being fought by Uthe S alone without the support of the UN, which is the council representing the whole world. If UN does not support the global war on terrorism it is unfair and unjustified for this war to continue as it keeps on creating more and more problems for the whole world(Balken,2005).T the number of bombings and the technology being used by the terrorists is rising sharply,showing signs that this is a never-ending war which will just keep o n causing harm to the environment, the psyche of the people, the insecurity among countries(international relations) and causing unwanted bloodshed and violence(Hancock,2008). The resources of the whole world are being heavily used in a cat and mouse race with a heavy cost of living. Increased expenditures for the global war may come at the expense of consumption expenditures, the classic guns-butter trade-off. These expenditures could come at the expense of outlays for investment, including business fixed investment, residential construction, infrastructure, public and private expenditures on health and education, the primary human capital categories, and research and development(Goldsmith,2007).  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Customer Service Banking in Branches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Customer Service Banking in Branches - Essay Example Therefore, while the headquarters of banks are to decide about policies and strategies for different countries and regions, the role of branches becomes very crucial for attracting customers. Though internet banking has also arrived on the horizon, an average banker still prefers banking with the branches in the neighborhood. Customer services form the key factor in making the banking experience enjoyable for a retail customer. Today value addition and management of quality are the buzzwords not only for the manufacturing sector but for services sector as well. Therefore it is an emerging subject with potential of having a long term impact on the business prospects and profitability on the services sector. In fact if we take a look at some of the international banks, it becomes all the more clear when we see the way they have evolved over the years, while spreading their reach to countries and regions outside their home ground. Taking good care of customers happens to be one of the k ey focus areas of these banks. In fact, at times banks go overboard in order to please the customer and keep rolling their finances. Perhaps this sense of urgency is one of the factors behind the sub-prime crisis that has shaken the economies around the world. In any case, the study will be limited to study and analyze the customer care aspect of bank branches without going much in detail on the sup-prime aspects. Research Questions and Objectives The main intention of the study is to develop an understanding of the concepts of services sector in general and banking industry in particular. During the study an effort will be made to observe the general working at couple of branches of at least two different banks to seek answers to the following key objectives. Establish a well studied relationship between the economic prospects and banking industry. The relationship has in effect undergone rapid changes in view of the fast spreading effects of globalization Analyze some of the progressive banks and compare their growth with some of the leading industries/ companies. This will help in finding out the attractive factors making the sector unique. Analyzing the impact of e-commerce and e-banking in the overall banking business and the segment or percentage of people making use of such advance facilities. Some of the steps initiated by banks in order to reduce the turnaround time and making the banking experience of customer at the branches less tiring. Analyzing the broader perceptions of customers towards facilitation of banking at branches. Research Methodology Research approaches and methods radically influence the research content and, consequently, the policies designed in response to that content. Research philosophy is a belief about the way in which data about a phenomenon should be gathered, analyzed and used. This thesis is a qualitative case study which focuses on an analysis of the policies being adopted by banks to cater to the needs of the customer at their branches. To carry out such a study in general we resort to two main approaches; Deductive reasoning, which works from the more general to the more specific subjects. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach. In such approach we take up the 'theory' and then try

Learning Plan Essay Example for Free

Learning Plan Essay The learning plan described in this paper is to have students debate a topic related to the Civil War. The debate topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons?† The main concept of this learning plan is to have students work collaboratively to research facts, and recall and use facts from the Civil War unit to incorporate into their arguments. (It should be noted that the learning plan described in this paper will take several classes to complete, however the learning plan procedures will only address the class where the debate will occur. ) It is assumed that debate skills were taught in a previous class. The learning theory certainly incorporates constructivist aspects. They are constructing knowledge rather than absorbing it. This is constructivist approach is illustrated through the collaborative nature of the assignment, as well as through the research that students’ must produce. In terms of the use of technology and media; the students will be instructed to research one source of information, from the internet, related to their argument. They must submit a one-page analysis of the information in which they found along with a references page. This must be submitted to the teacher a week before the scheduled debate. The teacher will assess the content of the paper, but the references page will also be important. Teacher must evaluate the kinds of internet sources that the students have used. The credibility of the internet source, and the strength of student’s research will be analyzed by the teacher. The purpose is to assess student’s traditional literacy and critical analytical skills (assessed when evaluating the content), and information literacy/interpretation skills of online material (assessed by reviewing the reference page). Finally, the teacher will hand back papers to the students, and he/she will instruct each group to use at least two of their group members’ papers into their group’s arguments. Media and technology will also be incorporated with the use of social media. The teacher will tell students that their debates will be recorded and submitted to youtube or a private school website (if issues of privacy are raised). Others will be allowed to view th e video to evaluate the strength of each team’s arguments. Based on the comments of public viewers, a winner will be chosen (by popular vote). This popular vote will be incorporated as a small percentage into the assessment. This is being done as to allow students to  participate in new media opportunities within an educational context. Learning Plan Context Setting The high needs school will be a High School in the Bay Area, either in San Francisco or Oakland. There will be 25-30 students in an individual classroom.  The lesson will take place the week after the Civil War unit is finished. It is anticipated that the unit will last about two weeks, therefore the debate class will occur during the third week. The actual debate class will take up one class period. The content area is US History/Politics. The grade level is Juniors (11th grade). In sum, the curriculum unit is 11th grade, US History/Politics, Civil War unit. Standards According to California standards for literacy in History/Social Studies in 6-12th grades. A student must be able to demonstrate analysis of primary and secondary sources, and connect these insights to the understanding of the whole text. This ability will be addressed and assessed when students must incorporate information learned from the textbook with information gained from the internet, and use both sources of information, into their debate. The student’s ability to undertake this task will be evaluated by the teacher with the submission of student’s sources, and also during the debate. ( Also according to California standards, students must be able to evaluate various explanations for events and actions. This standard is illustrated in the nature of the activity. A debate, in itself, evaluates different explanations for one event, which makes it an ideal means of addressing this standard (  Finally, according to California standards, students must be able to evaluate differing points of view on the same historical issue. Once again, this standard is illustrated within the nature of a debate. It is also illustrated when students submit their own analysis of internet research ( Learning Objective Students will be able to collaboratively demonstrate their knowledge of Civil War policy, events and information, from the textbook and from online sources, by formulating arguments to be presented within a debate. Learning Theory Applications Constructivism is certainly at play in this lesson plan: The activity allows knowledge to be organized into schemas, concepts, and worldviews. This activity is emphasizing the use of authentic activities by constructing knowledge through interaction with the environments (internet and peers), and applying it to real-life situations (debate). The collaborative component certainly illustrates constuctivism; learners will help each other create conceptual connections. Finally, students are working autonomously with the help of the teacher as facilitator, supporter, and model (Ormrod, 2006). Learning Accommodations: Individualized Education Plan for Special Accomodations: In each team, all students will be assigned a role. For example, â€Å"speaker†, â€Å"writer†, â€Å"time-keeper†. A student’s IEP will be taken into consideration when assigning roles. A student with an IEP, will be assigned a role that best fits their IEP. For example, a student with ADD, may be best suited to be a time-keeper since their attention span is not as focused. They may be anxious to change the pace of the group’s discussions, and therefore they may be eager to keep track of the time. Language Development needs: When assigning the internet-based research; the teacher will give ELL students a website to navigate to, instead of having the students navigate the internet themselves. Teacher will give explicit instructions as to where to look on the website so students do not feel too overwhelmed with the English language. Teacher will ask the students to try to comprehend some of the information, however if this proves too difficult, then the teacher will ask the students to find 15-20 words from the website that the student did not understand. The student will then find the meanings of these words in their own language. They must write at least a paragraph about the Civil War unit incorporating five of the words that they found on the internet. Also,  at least two of these words must be incorporated into the arguments of their team. Gifted and Talented needs: This is a challenging component to consider because a gifted/talented student does not necessarily mean an academic-rigorous student. To really tailor the lesson to address the interests of a gifted/talented student, then the teacher will have to be familiar with the personality of that particular student. However, some situations will be addressed here. First of all, from the research, the lesson itself befits that of a gifted/talented student. Competition, which characterizes a debate, usually suits the nature of gifted/talented students. ( The first situation to consider is a student who is gifted/talented, but not academically rigorous. This student will be given a leadership role within his/her team. He/she may be assigned to organize/manage all the ideas of the students. He/she is the one who will be given the rubric for what the teacher is assessing when observing the team’s discussions and arguments. He/she is the manager, and he/she will be assessed on their ability to keep his/her team on task. In this way, this student isn’t necessarily doing more â€Å"academic† work, but he/she is being challenged in a rather difficult manner. A second situation to consider is to have a gifted/talented student who is academically rigorous. The teacher will give this student a second component to add to his/her research paper. The student must connect textbook material and internet material to the US politics of today. This is increasing the cognitive process from analyze (which all students must do with their research papers) to evaluate (Anderson and Krathwol, 2001). The student can choose to incorporate this extra component into their team’s arguments. Resource Accommodations: Low tech: There are no computers, projector, or internet access in the classroom. If this is the case, teacher may have to allocate time in different lessons to use school facilities where computers are available. Computers must be used so that the teacher can show students the kinds of websites that are credible, as well as to use sites, like youtube, to show students examples of debates. Computer use is necessary so teacher may have to take time before or after school to meet with students (who are willing) to show them the above-mentioned websites. Mid tech: One computer connected  to a projector is available in the classroom. The teacher can use this computer to show examples of credible websites, as well as to show examples of debates online. High tech: Class is equipped with several computers. Teams can go online themselves to view videos of debates and start research for their paper. In this way, the collaborative nature of the lesson will start even earlier (in the pre-plan ning stage). Content-Based Literacy Skills In terms of text-based literacy; students must incorporate information from their textbook into their arguments Critical thinking, reflective thought, and text-supported thinking will be illustrated when students must draw connections between internet-based information and textbook information while doing their analysis/research paper. This connection will be evaluated when student’s cute their sources within their paper. (This explanation will also illustrate students’ information literacy.) New Media Literacy Skills Performance: This skill is illustrated when students view sample debates on the internet and use this as models of performance in their own debates. Collective Intelligence: This skill is done when students are within their respective teams and they must draw upon their own and others ideas, research, and knowledge to formulate strong arguments. Judgement: This skill is illustrated when students must judge which websites and information are to be included in their research/analysis paper. Networking: Once again, this skill is illustrated when students must search, connect, and analyze information on the internet for the purpose of their research/analysis paper (Jenkins, 2001). Learning Material: Textbook: Learners will need textbook so that they can recall information. Paper, pen: Leaners will need so that they can write down information. Rubric: Both the learner and teacher needs. Learners need it so that they are aware of what’s expected of them while working in teams and formulating their arguments. Teacher needs it so that he/she can refer to it when assessing the team’s progress. Notes: Learners will need them as a reference when formulating arguments. Stopwatch/watch: This will be given to the student whose job is timekeeper. Video Camera: Used to record the debate Learning Plan Procedures Phase I: Motivation Activity Teacher will show a short clip of a very powerful, interesting debate. Possibly a presidential debate. The clip will only show the most poignant part (according to the teacher) of the debate. Hopefully the clip will be no longer than 5 minutes long. (if there’s no computer available, then teacher must bring in her/his own computer.) In a class of 30 chair/table. There will be 15 chairs/ tables on each side of the room. They will be facing eachother. Learners will enter the classroom and sit down immediately with their team. The teacher will then show the video as soon as the class is seated and quiet. This activity is being done to motivate, encourage, and remind students of what a good debate looks like so that the output of the students’ debates can match skills such as speaking (clear and concise) and eye-contact of the debaters within the video. Phase II: Input (Teacher Driven) Activity: During this class, the teacher will, serve only as facilitator, therefore not much activity will be driven by the teacher. However, after the video, the teacher will remind students of the rubric that was given to them, and tell students that she/he is only their to assist in the logistics of the debate (time, flow, managing emotions if this becomes a problem). The teacher will also instruct students to take notes on each other’s arguments because this assignment will be important for their homework assignment. She/he will also remind student that they will be recorded. Teacher will tell all students to take out their rubrics. She/He will go over some key point from the rubric as it relates to the debate. The teacher will tell students to make sure that they keep these key points in mind because these points will be assessed during the debate. The teacher will instruct students to have their rubrics out for the entire class so they can monitor their team’s progress by themselves. Teacher will formally go over key questions from the rubric that he/she hopes the teams have incorporated into the nature of the debate (clear speech, eye contact,  concise points, respectful behavior) as well as into the content of the debate. In term of the nature of the debate, questions might look like â€Å"Is my team being quiet/respectful as the other team presents their arguments?†, â€Å"Are my responses to the other’s teams arguments not insulting?† etc. In terms of the content of the debate, questions may look like, â€Å"Did my team incorporate facts from the textbook?†, â€Å"Did my team use at least two credible internet sources within the argument?†, â€Å"Did my team follow special instructions assigned by the teacher (e.g. incorporating ideas from IEP students, ELL student, gifted students)?.† This activity and these questions serve to remind students of the importance of the collaborative nature of the learning objective. They also serve to remind students that they must be able to demonstrate their understanding of the Civil War unit, as well as their understanding of outside sources within the context of an argument. Phase III: Output (Learner Driven) Activity Students will take part in a debate. The topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons?† This activity will illustrate the learning objective in several ways. First, the collaborative nature of the previous classes will finally be demonstrated. Second, the students must illustrate their knowledge of Civil War policies within their arguments. Third, both sides’ arguments must include information from outside sources. The teacher will select one team to present their arguments first. Recording will begin The speaker of that team will stand up and come to the front of the class. They will present their team’s argument. In the argument they must mention the sources in which they got their information. For example, if they got a particular piece of data from the textbook, then they must state â€Å"As is presented in the textbook†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . If they got a particular piece of data from the internet then they must state, â€Å"As is presented on so-called website, or by so-called author†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They must also explicitly state how they used the â€Å"special instructions† from the teacher. For example, â€Å"(ELL’s student’s name) found that ‘compromise’ was not a possible solution of the Civil War.† In this example, it is assumed that compromise was on a list of words that an ELL student did not understand. He/she presented these list of words to  his/her team. The team reviewed the list, and chose to use the word compromise as part of their argument. The student will finish the presentation of his/her argument. The teacher will tell the next team to present its argument. The team will follow the same procedure as above. The teacher will then stop recording of the debate. This debate will naturally lead to questions, comments from both the teacher and the students. Phase IV: Culmination.  The teacher will ask the groups to clear up any misunderstandings or misinformation the teams may have had within their argument. This is to give other team members a chance to speak about the argument, which reinforces the collaborative effort of the lesson. The teacher will also ask students how their team’s or the other team’s information and debate skills differed and how these things were similar to the debate presented in the beginning of the class. As a smaller activity, the teacher will instruct all the students to come up with one question, comment, critique of the other team’s argument. This assignment will illustrate each student’s understanding of the Civil War Unit because it challenges students to relate, connect, or counter-argue their own knowledge of the unit. This question will be submitted to the teacher. Phase V: Exte nsion For homework, students will write a one-page analysis of the opposing teams arguments. The student will address the opposing side’s arguments. He/she will evaluate the argument’s weaknesses, strengths; and why he/she disagreed or agreed with the points that were made. Learning Plan Analysis Formative assessments will include analyzing the collaborative efforts of the team, the behavior of each team during the presentation of the opposing team’s arguments, how well each team member took on their role within their team, and how well the team incorporated textbook information, outside information, and ‘†special instructions† from the teacher into their argument. A summative assessment will include the teacher’s evaluation of the internet analysis/research paper, the one-page analysis of opposing team’s argument, teacher’s evaluations of the strength of the arguments, and finally the â€Å"popular vote† (the results of youtube or school-based website). Weaknesses of this lesson plan include time constraints, and the many assessments involved. It may be difficult to accurately assess how well each team members took on their roles. Some students may still be taking on more work than others. Also, incorporating ELL/IEP students proved to be a difficult task.. Strength of the lesson is it fosters team work, analytical skills, and gives students more power in the direction and implementation of a lesson. The teacher will implement these varied assessments in its first year, and then will evaluate the effectiveness of these assessments for future classes. The learning theories applied in the first phase was Vygotzky’s Cognitive Process. Students are witnessing two adults debating and they are expected to try to learn/imitate the behaviors of those adults. In the second phase, social cognitive theory is at play. The teacher both models desired behaviors/outcomes, as well as emphasizes self-efficacy and self-regulation. In the third phase, constructivism is illustrated. The debate is student-driven because the students are demonstrating their constructed knowledge within the debate. The assessments have a behaviorist component. Negative reinforcement (decrease a behavior) is illustrated when the teacher warns students that if they are not respectful or a team member does not contribute meaningfully, then they may be marked down (Ormrod, 2008). References Anderson, L. W. , Krathwol, D. R. (2001) . A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing, 28-31. California Department of Education. (2013) California Common Core State Standards. Jenkins, H., Clinton, K., Purushotma, R., Robison, A. J., and Weigel, M. (2006). â€Å"Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century.† Chicago, IL: MacArthur Foundation. Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Educational Psychology Developing Learners, 8. 25-36. Teachers First. (2014)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fairness in the American Taxation System Essay Example for Free

Fairness in the American Taxation System Essay The hot topic in America right now is taxation. While many members of society believe the current taxing system is fair, others believe it is not. The President, congress, and the senate try their hardest to work together to please the entire population with all of the reforms they make. Not only is paying taxes mandatory for American citizens, it is a public duty. The reason people are required to pay tax is because the government uses the money collected to support the country Americans live, breath, and work in. Taxes are like a form of rent. With our country being as diverse as it is, there are many people that cannot survive on their own nor pay any sort of taxes. The most common reason for persons not being able to pay up is disability. It is up to the rest of the citizens of the United States to help support this percentage of people that are not able to work. Since these people are unable to work and provide for their families, the government created a social program called Welfare. This program is very special and gives security to the people receiving it for a better, poverty-free life. Another program for the underprivileged is called Medicaid. Similar to Welfare, this gives insurance to people that cannot afford to pay medical bills, etc. The type of tax that is currently in play in the United States is called Progressive tax; the more you earn the more you pay. â€Å"The new economy rich often favor tax increases because, in contrast to Republicans and their business backers, they enthusiastically support increased government spending on education, health care, and scientific research† (Callahan, David 14). While some say this is not just, obviously the government, congress, and voters believe so. Some people believe it to be fair because the rich have more to offer then the poor; they work hard for their money and have a lot to show for it. Federal taxes this year will approach $3,300 a person. To tax everyone equally is out of the question. Many individuals and families cannot possibly bear a Federal tax of $3,300 per capita. So government must treat people, not equally but unequally. Harriss, Lowell 271) It would be unfair and brutal for a poor family in our country to pay the same amount of money in taxes as the wealthiest family in America. Tax increases on the rich would not be punishment nor unfair, â€Å"They worry about poor people and pollution. They want government to make sure that Americans have the kind of education they need to compete in the global economy† (Callahan, David 13). Although all citizens would not be taxed the same amount annually, the progressive sys tem gives each citizen the right to live a blessed life. Regarding making the taxation system â€Å"simple, equal, and fair,† (Simple 42) â€Å"fulfilling all of these objections is challenging† (Simple 42). No Matter how the law of taxation is set, there will always be people to protest and their will always be people to challenge the system. â€Å"Degrees of fairness in taxation cannot possibly be measured, but we can often sense that one condition is nearer than another to the concept we have in mind† (Harriss Lowell 271). Reasonable, humane, productive, creative, generous, innovative persons – voters embodying the attributes we admire – and persons embodying the attributes we consider destructive of the good life – envy, spite, greed, profligacy, short-sightedness, selfishness – will probably have different views about a fair scale of progression. (Harriss Lowell 273) The types of admirable views listed above show that progressive tax is truly the best decision for America. Not only is it the right choice in equality, but it is morally well-rounded. Most of the taxes we pay go to citizens that are deprived of money. The government ensures that the money taken out of an individuals check is put to good use. Other taxes go to support the entire country. If taxes did not exist, it would be every man for himself and our economy would be a disaster. Without a progressive taxation system, America would not be as strong as it is today. There would be an even bigger difference between the wealth and poverty line. People travel all over the world to come to the United States to achieve the â€Å"American Dream,† and the government’s law of taxation allows individuals to do just that.

Metaphysical Thought Of Thomas Aquinas Philosophy Essay

Metaphysical Thought Of Thomas Aquinas Philosophy Essay Each science studies beings in a specific and determinate way. According to Aristotle, metaphysics studies the being in general, leaving aside their particular determinations.  [1]  Metaphysics thus, studies being qua being and what belongs essentially to it.  [2]  One of the concerns of metaphysics is what Aristotle termed as substance to indicate what, in fact, has existence in time and space, being subjected to the action of natural laws. Aristotle says: Clearly, then, the investigation of all things qua things belong to one science. Now in every case a science is concerned mainly with that which is first, both as that on which the others depend, and as that through which the others are named. Accordingly, if this is a substance, it is of substances that the philosopher should possess the principles and causes.  [3]   According to Aristotles metaphysical account, there is a distinction between what is apprehended by intuition and what is grasped by the intellect, between substance and essence. He says: Substances are also the parts which are constituents in substances taken in the first sense, which limit these substances and indicate a this, and without which the whole is annihilated. () The essence, whose formula is a definition, is also said to be the substance of each thing. The term a substance, then has two senses: it means the ultimate subject which is not predicated of something else, and also that which is a this and is separable, such being the shape or the form of each thing.  [4]  For Aristotle, substances are related to what exist in fact in the world, and about essence it is possible to say that, despite of the fact that it is part of the determination of the being, it has only conceptual existence. Aquinas adopted some of the presuppositions from Aristotles metaphysics in his ontology: such as all other sciences, metaphysics is causal, since it studies the principles through which beings are what they are.  [5]  Furthermore, Aquinas had to redefine some aspects and terminology of his predecessors in order to create his own metaphysical account. Staring with entia, given in sense experience it should be called substances. Each substance forms a complete whole, endowed with a structure that constitutes on ontological unity, or a unity of being. Insofar as a substance can be understood as one and defined, it is given the name essence. Essence is only substance insofar as it can be defined, it is what the definition says substance is. This is also a description of reality.  [6]   In Aquinas study of metaphysical beings, it is possible to assume that they can be analyzed in two distinct ways: as having a determinate form which distinguish themselves; or as existing in a strict sense, called respectively essentialist and existentialist perspectives by F. C. Copleston  [7]  . Considering the essentialist approach, Aquinas affirms that all beings have an essence which establishes a certain form to these beings: Because, a being in this sense is divided by the ten categories, essence must mean something common to all the natures trough which different beings are placed in different genera and species, as for example humanity is the essence of man, and so with regard to other things. Because the definition telling what a thing is signifies that by which a thing is located in its genus or species, philosophers have substituted the term quiddity for the term essence.  [8]   Considering the second way, the existentialist approach, beings existing in a strict sense, it is possible to realize that this book or this man are actually part of this world, inserted in space and subjected to the natural and causal laws. Here Aquinas makes a distinction between essence and existence. Therefore, after looking for reality in the sensible qualities of beings, then in their essences, then in their substances, philosophy had finally realized through Aquinas that true reality is actual essence.  [9]  Having an essence, means being able to be inserted into a genre and be part of a species through a specific difference. One can note that, given elements actually exist in time and space. Armand Maurer explains that Aquinas intends to expose the meaning of the terms a being and an essence, how being and essence are found in the different orders of reality, and the relation they have to our logical notions of genus, species and difference.  [10]   According to Gilson, existence is a condition for being, essence and all that can be studied by metaphysics and the core of reality. In Thomas technical language, the term esse means actual existence. It is the way a thing, which he calls res, is a being, an ens. It is to be that makes a certain thing to be a being. Esse is defined by its essence, namely that which the thing is.  [11]   By essentialism, it is possible to answer the following question: what something is? The definition, so states the essence of beings in general. For material substances, essence means the matter form composite subject to perception. Aquinas makes an analogy of the terms essence and existence to what Aristotle had made to the terms potency and act. Thus, the essence is the possibility that something determined to come into existence. By existentialism, the existence, in turn, is the upgrade of essence. This distinction between essence and existence as occurs with matter and form, act and potency, it is a logical one. Aquinas says: Everything that receives something from another is potential with regard to what it receives, and what is received in its actuality. The quiddity or form, therefore, which is the intelligence, must be potential with regard to the being it receives from God, and this being is received as an actuality.  [12]   Copleston explains that essence is that which answers the question what a thing is; it is substance considered as definable. It is clear that essence is that which is signified by the definition of a thing. In the case of material things the word essence signifies that which is composed of matter and form. Existence, on the other hand, is the act by which an essence or substance is or has a being. Existence denotes a certain act; for a thing is not said to exist by the fact that it is in potentiality but by the fact that it is in act. Essence is the potential metaphysical component in a thing, while existence is the act by which essence has being.  [13]   After having analyzed Aristotles and Aquinas concepts on essence and substance, it is possible to realize that Aquinas starting point to his metaphysics is Aristotles ontology, which is based in the doctrine of being qua being, or substance, the primary kind of being. From the distinction between essence and existence, as understood by Aquinas predecessors, such as Boethius and Avicenna, Aquinas goes beyond the Aristotelian metaphysics, to show that the final foundation of the ontology is not the substance but existence. Thus, St. Thomas establishes the metaphysical assumptions necessary to built his own metaphysical thought. 1,371 words